Friday, April 27, 2012

How to edit System Path Variables

PATH is an environment variable on Unix-like operating systems, DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, specifying a set of directories where executable programs are located. In general, each executing process or user session has its own PATH setting.

Many programs do not appear in the path as they are not designed to be executed from a command window, but rather from a Graphical User Interface.

Set the PATH environment variable if you want to be able to conveniently run the executable from any directory without having to type the full path of the command. If you do not set the PATH variable, you need to specify the full path to the executable every time you run it. So if you want to change the system path for your applications follow the steps.

NOTE: The PATH environment variable is a series of directories separated by semicolons (;)

How to edit System PATH Variables: 

Windows 7:
  1. From the desktop, right click the Computer icon.
  2. Choose Properties from the context menu.
  3. Click the Advanced system settings link in the upper-left corner.
  4. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit.
  5. In the Edit System Variable window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK. 

Windows XP:
  1. Select Start, select Control Panel. double click System, and select the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit
  3. In the Edit System Variable window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
Windows Vista:
  1. From the desktop, right click the My Computer icon.
  2. Choose Properties from the context menu.
  3. Click the Advanced tab (Advanced system settings link in Vista).
  4. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit.
  5. In the Edit System Variable window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
IMPORTANT: Never forget to put a semicolon at the end, whenever you are changing the value of PATH varibles.


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